[Magdalen] Worship leader

Cantor03 at aol.com Cantor03 at aol.com
Mon Sep 7 16:28:24 UTC 2015

The nearest Episcopal church to my home town in NW Wisconsin
is 40 miles away at Spooner, Wisconsin - the old railroad town
where the Omaha Road used to split to head for Duluth/Superior  and for
I attend the local RC church when I'm in my hometown over a weekend,  and
about half the time, there is an antecommunion followed by communion
from the Reserved Sacrament.  This antecommunion is led by a  very
seasoned laywoman.  When I first encountered this arrangement, I
was amazed, but the RC clergy are really scarce in those north woods
(RC Diocese of Superior), and they make do.
David Strang.

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