[Magdalen] Name for RC communion request?

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 15:44:05 UTC 2016

As if there isn't enough stress around your mother's funeral!  I have no 
wisdom on your question, but I do have lots of prayers for a pleasing 
solution to the problem.  I'm sure God wouldn't mind, indeed, would 
welcome you, but the people who work for him cause a lot of problems.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 4/7/2016 9:27 PM, Lynn Ronkainen wrote:
> My mothers Funeral Mass is being planned for 2 weeks hence. Is there a word, dispensation perhaps, when baptized Episcopalians ask to receive communion under extra ordinary circumstances like this? I know it is possible and I want to request this with the appearance of  foreknowledge of the possibility. LEMS from this church - deacons actually- have already refused me when I was with my mother when they showed up to give her communion. This funeral planning is already getting uber-complicated.
> Thanks for any input.
> Lynn
> Sent from my iPhone

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