[Magdalen] Kicking and Screaming.

Michael Bishop rev at michaelbishop.name
Mon Apr 11 16:05:22 UTC 2016

Go to the RIGHT hand said at the bottom of the screen.
LEFT click the little speech box (3rd icon from right on my computer)
Select All Settings
Select power and sleep
Make your choice of preference

God bless

Michael Bishop
rev at michaelbishop.name

Rector of Boylestone, Church Broughton, Dalbury, Longford, Long Lane, Sutton-on-the-Hill & Trusley

Diocese of Derby, England

On 11/04/2016 16:57, Cantor03--- via Magdalen wrote:
> I just tried printing something with my old HP, and it works with
> Windows 10 just fine.  The printer was purchased with my first
> computer about 1994 (!)
> I haven't figured out yet how to access the tab to lock the computer.
> After finding an obscure Windows quartet in the extreme left side  corner
> of the computer screen, I found the basic controls for sound, etc., and
> shut down of the system, but so far no tab for locking the computer  when
> I leave.
> The computer does go into lock mode when the screen has been
> inactive for 10 minutes.
> David Strang.

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