[Magdalen] No more attacks on Tim Kaine's faith | FaithfulAmerica

Lynn Ronkainen houstonklr at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 22:07:52 UTC 2016

along the lines of the RC being *mystifying*...
The RC churches that have intersected my life in recent decades completely 
befuddle me....

I attended 9am mass this morning because 2 months ago I received a formal 
'Mass card' in the mail from "the Senior Friends" group at my mom's church, 
sent to me by one of the members of the group.  The mass card indicated that 
on this date, at 9am, the rector (who was too tied up to officiate at my 
mom's memorial) was going to be the celebrant, and the mass was being 
offered in my mom's memory, and had been dedicated so, on the card, by the 
Senior's group of which she was a member. I did not want to miss this 
especially because I knew the group had gone out of their way to do this for 
my mom, and I also thought it was nice that the rector was going to be the 
celebrant after he could not be at my mom's memorial service.

Mass cards usually are given in the name of someone or in thanksgiving, and 
usually a monetary donation is included by the giver to the church or the 
clergy person who will say the mass. That is how I understood them from when 
my father died in 1975 and on several other occasions that touched my life 
in this manner since then.  I went to church today, and the only service was 
the 9am daily mass-as-usual. The rector no where in sight. My mom's name was 
in the prayers but without definition. I am in the process of getting over 

A month after my mom's memorial service I received a form letter in the mail 
from mom's church - the envelope was addressed to me, the salutation on the 
letter and the reference to my deceased family member were completely 
un-personalized. The letter was an invitation to participate, at no cost, in 
a 6 week long bereavement group.   I naturally thought that people at this 
church must be dying over there in droves for the level of distance and 
insensitivity I experienced with this invitation.

I am keeping myself from writing a note to the rector telling him I  missed 
him this morning..... : (

Lynn, thankful instead for the caring religious communities and individuals 
that I have known and have in  my life.

website: www.ichthysdesigns.com

When I stand before God at the end of my life I would hope that I have not a 
single bit of talent left and could say, "I used everything You gave me." 
attributed to Erma Bombeck
 "Either Freedom for all or stop talking about Freedom at all" from a talk 
by Richard Rohr

From: "James Oppenheimer-Crawford" <oppenheimerjw at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2016 3:53 PM
To: "Magdalen at herberthouse.org" <magdalen at herberthouse.org>
Subject: Re: [Magdalen] No more attacks on Tim Kaine's faith | 

> I wonder if they also were influenced by the fantasy that by being open 
> and
> accepting, they might erode their authority.
> Folks in the back ground pull the strings "If we do this, your authority
> will be damaged." Hey, if The Holy Spirit has ever in fact given His
> Holiness this Authority, then don't the faithful consider that maybe She's
> able to take proper care of it, and all we have to do is accept?  Nah, 
> that
> can't be right....
> James W. Oppenheimer-Crawford
> *“A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved,
> except in memory. LLAP**”  -- *Leonard Nimoy
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 11:44 AM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
> magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
>> In a message dated 7/31/2016 11:54:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
>> oppenheimerjw at gmail.com writes:
>> The  Vatican ignored the recommendations of its panel because they 
>> figured
>> a
>> rethinking -- no matter how justified -- would erode Papal  authority.
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>> Rome is very good at this ignoring their own investigative panels.
>> They did it twice in the matter of validity of Anglican Orders.
>> Thus, on two occasions a RC panel set up to investigate Anglican
>> Orders found the Anglicans to be valid but irregular.  On
>> both occasions, the panel opinion was quietly buried away.
>> David S.

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