[Magdalen] Hornets

ME Michaud michaudme at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 15:34:49 UTC 2016

The mother of a friend was a physician working at a sleep disorders clinic.

She told me the first thing they did with new patients was to take away
their caffeine, then hit them with benadryl at bedtime. And then in the
morning the exclamation "What did you give me? That was the best night's
sleep I've had in years!"

It's a miracle!

And speaking of miracles, on Sunday a tiny elderly parishoner arrived to
take her usual place. During the POTP the rector approached her, grinning,
and said "I was going to visit Muriel after church because she broke her
hip, but here she is!"

She had no walker, no cane. She walked in and out and up to communion.
O brave new world.

On Tuesday, August 2, 2016, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
> Back in the day before oral/injectable steroids were used for
> skin problems, we used to hospitalize such as eczema patients
> and "snow" them with Benadryl

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