[Magdalen] Sermon

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 16:26:47 UTC 2016

Not arguing this, but it seemed to me that the point of the sermon was 
missed.  People seemed to take it only as a rebuke for being sociable.  
This was for us the Transfiguration and it was suggested that the 
artists who portray the disciples  in awe and/or terror of the 
transfigured Jesus in their works seem to be expressing a deep-heart 
response way beyond sociable chat.  I believe we were being pointed to 
digging a lot deeper.  The nay-sayers pretty much all wanted soft kind 
words for whatever reason.  Anyway, I hope this isn't a sign of a deeper 

Marion, a pilgrim

On 8/8/2016 11:56 AM, ME Michaud wrote:
> I know people go to church for a wide variety of reasons,
> and not all of those reasons mesh with mine.
> But that's NOMB.
> And I always remember a letter written by Bishop Coburn,
> which was read in the churches,
> in which he stated that (in the city especially) churches often filled the
> role of "family,"
> for the elderly, for college students, for many.
> As Christians, we're supposed to encourage each other,
> sometimes verbally, I guess.
> At the very least, we ought to try to recognize each other,
> -M, not very chatty actually, more of a warm smiler
> On Sunday, August 7, 2016, Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I heard a super sermon this morning.  My comment to the priest after was
>> 'powerful'.  It had to do quite a bit with putting God and awe back in our
>> hearts and personal worship and getting away from  chatty complacence.

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