[Magdalen] Deposit paid

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Tue Jul 19 00:39:50 UTC 2016

On 19/07/2016 01:22, Jo Craddock wrote:
> Well, color me offended if you aren't at St. James, Baton Rouge on 8 
> January. 

Jo, I was waitimg for that information.  The schedule was designed to 
allow a Sunday in Baton Rouge so I could worship with you and Rodger.

> I was thinbking of that leg being via NOLAAnd, (unless Lynn has warned 
> you off!) Rodger and I would be delighted to host you day and/or 
> night, help with sites, visiting, etc. Are you heading out of the US 
> from BTR, MSY, or IAH?

IAH as I object to paying $500 for a one-way hire and needing a transfer 
from another airport. I far prefer non-stop flights.

> I assume that's Owensboro, Kentucky? 


> Are you stopping in Forest, MS for a particular reason? 

Breaking journey.  I have also received comments (not necessarily here) 
that my accounts of previous trips have not included MS.

> Birmingham to Baton Rouge is an easy day's drive, just FYI. (Unless 
> Alabama hosts a bowl game in Tuscaloosa that weekend -- then you want 
> to avoid it, anyway. Go on to Mobile, and see the Gulf, and Marilyn!)

I was thinking if that leg including a trip via NOLA.  What I have heard 
of that city culturally does not appeal to me but I do need to pass by.

> Snow would be rare, indeed, in our parts (south of I-20), but the same 
> humidity that makes it so stifling, right now, can make even our 
> relatively mild winter temperatures "bite," and it is often rainy at 
> that time of year, so a lined raincoat may be advisable.

I would need that here anyway.  Looking forward to meeting up with you 


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