[Magdalen] Another Casualty.

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 23:35:10 UTC 2016

I believe that those not finished in 2017 will be helped to transfer or 
relocate.  I think I should not have said 'precipitious', but 
'preemptive'.  Sorry.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 7/22/2016 6:42 PM, Roger Stokes wrote:
> On 22/07/2016 21:34, Marion Thompson wrote:
>> The Revd Matthew Cadwell, who is Co-President of the EDS Alum. 
>> Executive Committee, has posted a long letter from the Cttee on FB.  
>> It sounds like the Bd of Trustees did a precipitous end run without 
>> full consultation or agreement.
> I must admit that when I saw this news I wondered about what was going 
> on, particularly as regards students who are about to start or for 
> whom the next year will not be their final scheduled year of study.  
> Provision should have been made for them to complete the course for 
> which they enrolled or it would be a case of an unchristian leaving 
> them in the lurch.  This side of the pond when seminaries have closed 
> appropriate provision has been made for students to complete their 
> course.  In the first case with which I am familiar one college was 
> combined with another, initially on the two sites and then in the 
> second and final year of transition on the one site, which is where I 
> was.  Incoming students were enabled to start on the new combined 
> site, which is where I had started.
> Some decades later there was another cutting back leading to the 
> closure of that college but there was a gradual winding down which 
> allowed existing students to complete their courses before final 
> closure. What I have heard of the EDS decision suggests that such 
> consideration of the needs of students has not been forthcoming.
> Roger

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