[Magdalen] a little thanksgiving

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Fri Jun 10 23:00:55 UTC 2016

On 10/06/2016 23:39, James Oppenheimer-Crawford wrote:
> Estates are such pains.  Mom died in Florida, and the lawyer we had was
> taking his sweet old time. My brother said, "He's never seen us before, and
> almost certainly will never see us again. Why should he care if something
> takes a year when it could be done in a couple of days?"

Lawyers will charge per tenth of an hour or whatever is their minimum 
chrging period and perletter generated by their support staff.  Banks 
are even worse as executors since they will charge a percentage of the 
estate value plus the cost of the lawyers they employ to do the work.


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