[Magdalen] Two things I love about Election Eve 2016...

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Tue Nov 8 23:24:40 UTC 2016

On 08/11/2016 17:14, James Oppenheimer-Crawford wrote:
> ​I am surprised your pharmacy does not have chairs for waiting. Perhaps
> they are not aware of the difficulty this poses for a lot of us who have no
> choice but to use their services, and would much rather not have to. Give
> 'em an earful, finishing up with "WHAT is the  M_A_T_T_E_R  with you
> people???"
> Geezers got a right to sit up for some consideration.

Mu local pharmacy has places to sit. You go to the counter to hand in 
your script and can then sit down until you are called when your script 
has been dispensed. That is if I actuallu go there as generally my 
scripts go straight from the doctor to the pharmacy and are then 
delivered to me. I will see how that works with my new practice as the 
one I have used closed today so I am being transferred to another one as 
of tomorrow. Handed in a repeat request today for a month's supply until 
I can get the medications reauthorised.


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