[Magdalen] OK...I'm done!

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Tue Sep 27 22:20:39 UTC 2016

On 27/09/2016 22:04, Ginga Wilder wrote:
> Hillary is certainly a flawed candidate. Given all other choices, I'm with
> her.  She did a great job last night.  I loved the debate...she hit it out
> of the park.  I believe she will be a good president.  God willing.

Last time I checked all candidates for political office in any country 
were human.  All humans in the past couple of millebia (or slightly 
less) are (or were) imperfect.  That means all candidates for political 
office are flawed to a greater or lesser extent. Hacing been in the 
public spotlight for so long Hillary Clinton's flaws have been 
ruthlessly exposed in a way I certainly would not want to experience. As 
in all elections voters need to consider who, in their opinion, has the 
best set of policies for the present situation and appears to be 
best-suited to the position for which they are a candidate. Yes, it can 
be a case of voting for the lesser of two evils and then it can be a 
case of risk limitation - who would be the bigger risk if elected?


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