[Magdalen] Da Debate.

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Tue Sep 27 22:25:06 UTC 2016

On 27/09/2016 17:07, M J _Mike_ Logsdon wrote:
>>>> I agree that Clinton "won" the debate but it won't make a lot of difference.  Neither tried to woo 3rd party voters, something Clinton really needs to do.<<<
> The 3rd party voters may not budge, though.  Making for a 1992 all over again.  Sort of.

I was talking today with a US citizen last resident in CA before coming 
to the UK.  She said she had printed out 50 sheets for all the things 
she is asked to vote on including Propositions. I am extremely thankful 
I don't have to face all that when I have to vote.


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