[Magdalen] May I puke?

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Wed Dec 20 23:14:22 UTC 2017

>>>Does the Cabinet not meet regularly?<<<


>>>No wonder the US government seems so disjointed.<<<

Would to God that was its only problem.

>>>Goodness knows we have enough problems this side of the pond but the Cabinet meets weekly so there can be a consideration of issues that impact on different government departments.<<<

That's because you're a citizen of a real, functioning country.  There's light at the end of our bleak, o so bleak, tunnel, though, and it's called Mid-terms 2018.  Or, maybe even sooner.

M J (Mike) Logsdon.

"Aaugh[.]" -- Charles Brown.
"Avoid dull needles and use a soft cloth." -- E Kovacs.

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