[Magdalen] Song of Mary

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Mon Jan 23 08:58:22 UTC 2017

On 22/01/2017 14:40, Scott Knitter wrote:
> Then there's the weird (to me) practice in some parishes back then
> whereby they'd have two identical Morning Prayer services on a Sunday.
> Here's an old bulletin:
> https://philadelphiastudies.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/160804-125450-page-006.jpg
> This happened from time to time at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in
> Detroit under a previous dean.

I have known of churches (though not Anglican ones) which have doubled 
up on services because of the number wishing to attend and/or because a 
significant number find one time more convenient than the other.


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