[Magdalen] Operation London Bridge

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Fri Mar 17 17:32:34 UTC 2017

On 17/03/2017 16:23, Simon Kershaw wrote:
> David Strang, Cantor03--- via Magdalen wrote:
>> simon at kershaw.org.uk writes:
>> prayers  to use at public
>> worship on the Sunday after the anouncement. These have  all been written
>> by the Liturgical Commission, approved by Buckingham
>> Palace>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>> As with Royal weddings, I suspect the Eucharist will not be
>> publicly featured in any events related to the funeral (in this  case).
>> IOW, there will be no public Requiem Mass, though perhaps
>> there will be for the immediate family.
> Requiem and nuptial masses or eucharists are not usual in the Church of
> England. Although the CofE has moved on since the last demise of the Crown
> in 1952, I would not expect there to be any offical CofE requiem or
> funerary eucharist.

I agree with Simon that this would not be the C/E way. There may well be 
RC requiem masses as there were when Diana, Princess of Wales died 20 
years ago but the official services in C/E churches and cathedrals are 
likely to include representatives of other denominations and faiths. 
This would make a Eucharist problematic, to say the least.


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