[Magdalen] Operation London Bridge

Scott Knitter scottknitter at gmail.com
Sat Mar 18 21:05:13 UTC 2017

I often say that if there's ever a 1979 Prayer Book Society, I'll be a
founding member. The book has been and continues to be a wellspring of
devotion and inspiration to me, in addition of course to, well, prayer
in common. Every once in a while I have an argument on Facebook with
someone who starts bashing it or its psalter. None of it is perfect,
but it all works for me. (Latest was over the first verse of Ps. 69
having the water coming up to "my neck" rather than "my soul." The
latter is faithful to the Hebrew (nefesh = soul), so I don't know why
it shouldn't say "my soul," but someone was painting the BCP psalter
committee as idiots for going with "my neck," never mind that "my
neck" was used in several other modern psalter translations including
that of the Jewish Study Bible. So there were several groups of idiots
around, translating psalters - OR there was a reason for choosing
"neck," like translating an idiom rather than verbatim, perhaps.)

I only hope the next BCP revision, whenever it happens, will be done
with the care, knowledge, and widespread input that went into what we
have in the 1979.

On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 12:24 PM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen
<magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
> I agree, but I must confess that I pretty much refer to
> the TEC Prayer Book and not the TEC Book of Common Prayer.

Scott R. Knitter
Edgewater, Chicago, Illinois USA

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