[Magdalen] Calendar question

James Oppenheimer-Crawford oppenheimerjw at gmail.com
Tue May 9 20:02:32 UTC 2017

Very well done pamphlet. You obviously have maintained a vibrant church and

One question:

How does one freeze organ pipes in place, and how does this make them
unplayable?  Pipes are not supposed to move around, and if they do move
around, it's hardly ever a good thing.

Also, what with the technology today having come so far, it's probably
better to get an electronic organ with virtually infinite ability to
produce whatever sounds one might desire (no limit whatever on the type of
organ philosophy, tuning, etc.), as opposed to a conventional instrument
which will never produce more than what was built into it in the first
place.  And you won't be able to tell the difference between the two if
it's correctly installed.

My parents attended a lovely Episcopal Church in bonita Springs, and I was
thoroughly enjoying the service, and suddenly realized I could not see any
organ pipes, voice box, etc.  I spoke with the choirmaster after the
service, and he proudly took me on a quick tour of their wonderful
instrument.  Several methods of tuning are available for those interested
in the authentic instrument angle, and of course it can do A=440, A=415 and
any other outlier pitch you might desire.  This is something where you
could, if you wanted, tune the organ to the ensemble. Who does that?  "And
if I need another stop, I just e-mail the company and they send me the
sampling back the next day."

James W. Oppenheimer-Crawford
*“A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved,
except in memory. LLAP**”  -- *Leonard Nimoy

On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 9:20 PM, Jo Craddock <jocraddock at gmail.com> wrote:

> It's still a wild and crazy ride at St. James, Baton Rouge, where we expect
> our interim to be in place for another year, but where we've also raised
> $2.2M to make emergency (50 years in the making) repairs to our 1894 brick
> and soft pink mortar church (
> http://stjamesbr.org/documents/CampaignIntroductionBrochureFINAL.pdf for
> any interested), and I've been limited to skimming the list every 24-48
> hours for news and prayer with and for you.
> But, where better to turn with an Anglican question?!
> Page 16 of the BCP states that ".,..the feast of [a church's] patron or
> title may be observed on, or be transferred to *a* Sunday, except in the
> seasons of Advent, Lent, and Easter."
> I read that *a* as, potentially, *any* ... e.g. St. James' day is July 25,
> but we could observe the feast of St. James on Sunday, September 10, or May
> 28, if desired.
> Does anyone have experience moving a feast date so liberally?
> Thanks, and
> Peace,
> Jo

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