[Magdalen] Supreme Court denies Diocese of South Carolina's motions to rehear and recuse

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sun Nov 19 20:14:46 UTC 2017

On 19/11/2017 19:38, Ginga Wilder wrote:
> I know you all are burned out on the mess in South Carolina, so I will make
> no comments.  Below are several links for you to learn more, if you are
> curious.


I understand that as a (I believe now former) member of the Standing 
Committee of the Episcopal Church in South Carolina and having been 
subject to an order to refrain from public comment you have to be 
circumspect in what you say. I also recall that the last service I 
conducted while nominally a Church of England parish priest (my 
retirement took effect a few days later) was with you as guests of an 
AME congregation so I am far from burned out on the situation in SC.

Claiming that a judge was biased against you and calling for her 
recusal  after judgement has been handed down strikes me as a claim 
borne out of desperation. Perhaps some of the other Justices are members 
of independent Churches who are biased against hierarchical Churches 
such as TEC. Should they have been denied authority to hear the case? If 
the Justices of SCOTUS have any sense they will decline to hear this 
case at least until the separate federal case has been heard and 
appealed at Circuit level.


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