[Magdalen] Spring X 2.

cantor03 at aol.com cantor03 at aol.com
Mon Apr 30 20:40:48 UTC 2018

It has been an unusually cool April after a mild winter here
in NE Pennsylvania USA.  Therefore here in the mountains
it still looks rather bare and wintry.  I had an appointment
down in the Susquehanna Valley today, and was pleasantly
surprised to see trees and shrubs blooming in that warmer
micoclimate.  Asian cherries, early rhododendrons (PJM)
Star Magnolias, and Bradford Pears were all in full bloom,
the latter marvelous tall towers of white.
All this is yet to come here at the higher elevation, so we'll
have all of the above in a week or two.  Combine those with
the various large Asian magnolias, Appalachian rhododendrons
flowering crabs, redbuds and flowering dogwoods, and you
have spring in Pennsylvania - my favorite season here.  
I still have my Upper Midwestern USA wonder at the variety of
blooming shrubs and trees here.  Little of it is hardy in the
frozen North.
And bring on the new bambi's.  Much as I dislike their appetites,
the little speckled fawns are wonderful.
David S.

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