[Magdalen] Ice and Snow along GA & SC

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Tue Jan 9 10:27:57 UTC 2018

On 08/01/2018 22:45, Ginga Wilder wrote:
> FYI, schools in Dorchester County, where I live, have not been able to open
> since the snow.  The roads continue to be icy - melting in daytime and
> refreezing at night.  We don't have the equipment of states where it snows
> regularly.  And, it snows like this every 25 years, so we simply have to
> wait it out.  Thank God school officials are being sensible.

Periodically someone round here comments on how people in other 
countries are able to cope with significant falls of snow whereas a few 
inches here brings everything to a halt. The answer is basically the 
same as yours - we don't get enough snow to justify spending public 
money on the clearing equipment. (The story was different when I lived 
in hilly Yorkshire where the water incident I have just written about 
occurred.) The other issue, of course, is that now I am further South 
people don't know how to drive in snow.


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