[Magdalen] Budgets Question

Charles Wohlers chadwohl at satucket.com
Tue Jan 23 01:50:30 UTC 2018

Not quite sure what you're looking for, but -

At my (old) parish in Mass., outreach was funded primarily from a restricted 
fund and from 10% of fundraising. These are both part of the regular budget. 
What specifically the money goes to is not in the budget, but may be in the 
Annual Report. There is no income nor expenses listed for any particular 
type of outreach.

At our parish here in VT (Christ Church, Montpelier) outreach appears to be 
recorded in several ways. There are gifts for specific purposes (food shelf, 
soup kitchen) plus general outreach in the non-operating part of the budget, 
plus apparently some general budgeted income goes to "general" outreach.

Hope this helps some -

Chad Wohlers
Woodbury, VT USA
chadwohl at satucket.com

-----Original Message----- 
From: Marion Thompson
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2018 7:30 PM
To: Magdalen at herberthouse.org
Subject: [Magdalen] Budgets Question

What is the practice out there for recording support of Outreach activities?

Our people are generous donors in all sorts of ways beyond Givings.  Our
Outreach Committee would like a line in the Operating Budget that
somehow reflects that our  financial plans extend to meeting needs of
the less fortunate, locally, in the Diocese, nationally and
internationally.  Does everyone routinely simply record outreach-type
revenue as an in-out money-raised = money-paid component of Other Income?

One hitch is that our revenue figure as shown in the Operating Budget is
used for our Diocesan assessment.

Just curious.  We're having a brisk discussion at this end that reflects
several points of view.

Marion, a pilgrim 

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