[Magdalen] Anyone Here?

Michael Bishop rev at michaelbishop.name
Sat Jul 6 07:36:44 UTC 2019

On 05/07/2019 11:11 pm, Roger Stokes via Magdalen wrote:
> On 05/07/2019 20:27, Michael Bishop wrote:
>> I too am still here. I retired from full time ministry in September 
>> 2017 and now live in retirement in Keyworth Nottinghamshire in the 
>> Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham. I do take a few services - mostly 
>> in a nearby group of parishes which is at present without a 
>> priest.One of the churches has a major claim to fame - St John of 
>> Beverley, Whatton is the church of the parish in which Thomas Cranmer 
>> was born, baptised and worshipped as a child. His parents are buried 
>> in the churchyard. Perhaps unsurprisingly the congrgation is very 
>> proud of this and strictly adhere to the forms of service BCP of 1662 
>> which is largely as prepared by Cranmer.
> Does that include praying "for all bishops and curates" at the 
> Eucharist as well as the indifferent ministration of justice?
It does indeed. I have long had to smile at the words - especially when 
in my first curacy, 1662 was the normal order of service in the parish 
for the early part of my time there. I always had a quiet thought that I 
was being prayed for twice (Bishops and curates) whilst the vicar was 
not mentioned. My surname was always a confusion for young members of 
the congregation. There was one famous occasion when we had a visiting 
organist because the regular one was on holiday. It was my job to unlock 
the church, and I had not yet arrived the organist was welcomed by a 
choirboy telling him "The Bishop hasn't arrived yet". The organist 
panicked that it must be a special service he had not been warned about!
>> I am still trying to get used to the quiet of retirement - and of 
>> course, having moved away from my former parishes. I could only 
>> return to them by specific invitation of their current clergy. I was 
>> in my last post for over 20 years, and it was a big thing for me to 
>> retire from there.
> Having retired in the same town and the next-door parish to my last 
> post I sometimes see former parishioners when I am out and about. I am 
> very particular about not saying anything that could be interpreted as 
> remotely critical of my successor and had to be persuaded over my 
> reluctance to accede to the request that I conduct the funeral of a 
> congregation member during the vacancy before my successor arrived. I 
> have known clergy who did not observe that courtesy of "leave means 
> leave" and am determined not to fall into that trap.
I think it is as well that I retired out of Derby Diocese and some 20 
miles or so from my former parishes. I have been careful to try to 
follow the "leave means leave" rule.
A thing that I really do miss is involvement with schools - in my old 
patch there were three church primary schools, in which I was, of course 
deeply involved. Since retirement I have not been able to become 
involved in schools - despite having indicated my interest to the 
incumbent of the benefice in which I live and normally worship. I do not 
feel that I can step in where I am not invited.
At least I can particpate in Southwell Minster's Time Travelling

God bless

Michael Bishop
rev at michaelbishop.name

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