[Magdalen] Interesting

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sat Jun 1 09:11:19 UTC 2019

On 01/06/2019 03:40, Grace Cangialosi wrote:
> Definitely confusing. Augustine ran for Bishop Suffragan here about 25 years ago, then went, I think, to a church in SW Virginia. I lost track of him after that.
> I had forgotten  bishops could be appointed instead of elected, though I guess that’s what happens in England, isn’t it?

The Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral leaves it to each Church in the 
Communion to determine how bishops are selected. The position in England 
has changed over the years, and differs between Suffragan and Diocesan 
Sees, but the final mandate after the individual has been selected is 
issued in the name of the monarch. One big difference from the US is 
that the process is confidential until the name is publicly announced.

For a Bishop Suffragan there is the initial decision that the See be 
filled then the Diocesan appoints a small Advisory Group including 
someone from outside the diocese. Nominations are invited, sifted and a 
shortlist invited for interview by the Bishop and the Advisory Group 
before the Bishop makes the final choice to put forward to the 
Archbishop. (There is support from officials and the Archbishop 
throughout the process.) Once a medical and a criminal records check 
have been completed there is then a petition to the monarch to approve 
the selection and a date determined for the announcement.

For a Diocesan appointment the selection is made by the Crown 
Appointments Commission which has representatives from the wider Church 
and the Diocese in vacancy and is chaired by the relevant Archbishop 
(unless the vacancy is an Archbishopric in which case someone else is 
appointed to chair the meetings). They have two residential meetings to 
shortlist and then interview before the selected individual's name is 
submitted via the Prime Minister to the monarch. The Prime Minister no 
longer has any say in the actual selection (that changed in 2007) but is 
kept in the loop as the new bishop is likely to be in the House of Lords 
in time.


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