[Magdalen] [Magdale

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sat Jun 1 22:51:14 UTC 2019

On 01/06/2019 20:55, Michael Bishop wrote:
> My brother and I alternated with mumps - first he had it on one side 
> of the face, then as he was due to go back to school, I had it on one 
> side. When I was clear, he developed it on the other side of his face. 
> Again as he was cleared, I developed it on the other side.. As a 
> result he missed his schooling from Christmas to Easter as pupils were 
> excluded from school if the disease was in the household. I missed no 
> schooling as I had not started.

I recall my wife telling me that she had mumps several times as an adult 
but did not feel ill with it. She would turn up to work and be told to 
go home because the male members o the office were afraid of the 
potential effects on them.


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