[Magdalen] A WTF moment indeed

cantor03 at aol.com cantor03 at aol.com
Sun May 26 20:25:35 UTC 2019

About two years ago, I attempted to get throughthe front door here while carrying small packages placed in frontof the door by USPS.  It's a mistake for me to have both handsoccupied and therefore I went down on the tile
of the entryway.  It was summer, and the screen door had closed.I am in that category of oldster who cannot get up from a positionflat on the floor.  My partner was not home and I was not carryingmy phone.  I shouted for my neighbor to call 911, and an ambulancearrived in about ten minutes.  They have a new (to me) cloth
contraption that allows Two persons to pull a downed person fromthe floor.  They wanted, of course, to take me to a hospital ER, butI assured them I was just fine.  They insisted I be examined by aphysician.  I pointed out I already had been checked by a physician.The visit was free of charge. The cost to the ER would have been $500,Sometime you can beat the system.

David Strang.
In a message dated 5/26/2019 3:49:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, scottknitter at gmail.com writes:

? Clearly, too much force was used in opening thatdoor...it was clear plexiglas in a white wooden frame,

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