[Magdalen] memories

Marilyn Cepeda mcepeda514 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 14:35:02 UTC 2020

I would love it if we could zoom a group!

On Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 8:28 AM Ferdinand von Prondzynski (Emeritus) <
f.von-prondzynski at rgu.ac.uk> wrote:

> Dear friends, old and new
> I would be very happy to join (or even host - I have the unlimited version
> also) a Zoom meeting. I have up to two Zoom meetings every day - it is how
> we have kept the Cathedral congregation in touch with each other. In the
> congregation we have several elderly people living alone, for whom Zoom is
> a lifeline right now. I host most of our meetings, and at the first one a
> number of them were literally in tears as they were seeing each other again
> for the first time. It was an amazingly emotional moment.
> There are a number of you here whom I will really enjoy meeting again.
> Notwithstanding the time zone difference, I'll join regardless of the time.
> In the middle of June, here in North-East Scotland, we have those lovely
> bright nights in which it doesn't ever get completely dark. On a cloudless
> night I can do gardening at 1 am.
> Love to you all
> Ferdinand
> [Robert Gordon University]
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> of its undergraduate teaching and learning, placing it in the top 20% of
> Universities in the UK.
> Robert Gordon University, a Scottish charity registered under charity
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> Thank you.
Marilyn (Owens, Palmero) Cepeda

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